Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is how good one can look on a Saturday morning wearing one's new D.I.F. T-shirt from across the pond.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Busy Thursday

So far tonight I have:
  • Gone for a run
  • Washed a huge load of clothes
  • Cooked
  • Rushed off to Piggly-Wiggly while the food was in the oven to buy cat food that Mr. Mustard does not seem to like anyway.
  • Taken care of my ill wife
  • Eaten Candy and blogged

This of course means that:

  • I do not have to go for a run tomorrow
  • I have a weeks worth of clean clothes
  • I have got lunch and dinner tomorrow
  • I will have a spoiled and yet hungry cat meowing all night
  • The spouse will hopefully feel better in the morning
  • I can eat the rest of the candy and blog even more tomorrow

Loads of B-days

The cousin also has his birthday today. He turns a whopping 21, quite a milestone I have been told.

A package full of fun

I got the (very) older brother's package today. Funny how it is his B-day and I am the one getting Swedish candy and Djurgården T-shirts.
Also, here is a new picture of Mr. Mustard:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Don't trust anyone over...

My older brother turns 30 today! That doesn't happen daily. I found him a card that plays his favourite song (quite proud of that). Me and the wife wishes him an extraordinarily happy birthday and thank our lucky star we're not that old.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vicky is getting hitched

The Crown Princess of Sweden is engaged to be married.
Long Live the Kingdom of Sweden!

Best Sam Ever

This is the best beer so far this year!
Everybody have to try it. It is like drinking a cloud!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stuffed on seafood

The sister in law just came by and wanted to take the wife and I to lunch, and of course we are always cool with a free lunch. We went to California Dreaming. I found the picture above online (to bad there is an unknown girl in the middle of it).
So now we're gonna sneak in a nap before we are gonna babysit our 6-year old nephew. The Three Sam Adam's I had at the restaurant should help.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back on track

So I went for a run this morning. It didn't last very long before I felt like throwing up, but at least I have now officially started running again.
Woke up 6 o'clock this morning because Mr. Mustard tore down the bedside lamp - always nice to start the Saturday by picking up glass from under the bed.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Going Native

The spouse and I are off to Summerville in a couple of minutes to hang out with her sis' and granny.
If you haven't been in Summerville - just imagine My name is Earl on steroids. Trailer parks and Christmas lights as far as the eye can see.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Run Fat Boy Run

Getting pudgy over here in the states. Gonna try to start running again, maybe I can get down to my old army time of 10K in 45 minutes.
Just had a weird guy knocking on the door talking about "The Word" and wondering if I would be interested in giving him a job... What is one supposed to answer to a thing like that?
"Yeah, sure come on in stranger. Tell me more about this 'Word' "?

This is not the guy, but he sure is weird! Will never understand how he can be so big here in the South.
This does not look good. These scenes from The Watchmen really seem off some how, no flow - no go!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Let the right one in was awesome. Not really scary, but any movie that has Ika Nord as a suburban wino (förortsfyllo) is a winner as far as I am concerned. All we need now is for Åke the skeleton to get a film of his own and we are in business.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dead broke

But there was still a glimmer of hope when we passed the token indie film theatre today and noticed they are showing Let the right one in. We rushed home and emptied the penny jar. I think we have enough for two tickets, we will see once we are at the counter...

What one won't do for Swedish vampire films.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I just read that that boxer Ingo Johansson died two weeks ago...

For those of you that does not know Ingo: He beat Floyd Pattersson and became heavyweight champion of the world in 1959. A real man's man!

Valentine's Day

So far not the V-Day I imagined. The wife has gone to tend to her food poisoned mother and left me in charge of Casa de Erikson.

I love it though, drinking Java and watching Phineas and Ferb. And it is raining, first time this week. Probably head of to Wal-Mart to buy shampoo later...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Andolini's rocks

The pizza turned out to be a 19 inch piece of heaven, and it is just down the street. Gonna have to go back there.
The weather is phenomenal today, had to open the windows while staying in and I just had a coffee on the deck. Good stuff!
Off to see Push in the theatre tonight, I am hoping it will feed the hunger for superhero films 'til The Watchmen comes out.
Mr. Mustard realised today that if he hides up on the kitchen cupboards he can see almost all of the house while no one can see him. Clever little thing.

6 Nations is coming home

Ireland Beat France yesterday! Wicked awesome.
No luck with the Tesla book, that's cool though, I apparently have to read Angels and demons before I do anything else (or at least so the spouse says).
Off to collect a free 17 1/2 inch 'za from the local Italian place as a welcome to the neighbourhood thing. sweet!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please

Got the car a well deserved oil change this morning. Had to buy two cups of coffee at Dunkin' to kill a nasty headache. While window shopping in Downtown Chucktown we decided to stop at Tommy Condon's - the local Irish pub/restaurant for lunch and a couple of pints, only to be sadly reminded that yanks don't do proper pints!
Have spent the rest of the day organising all my Kent songs and albums, so I've been on a cool 90's indie high all day. Now I am off to the book store to punk around. I have been scouting for a particular biography on Nikola Tesla, hope they've got it at B&N!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


This site is really funny. It delivers a new motivational poster every time you refresh.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weird Valetine ads

Hallmark's big thing this Valentine seems to be cards and toys for parents to give to their kids. I don't know - feels a bit weird.

The compulsory Mister Mustard pic:

Note if you will, the awesome SpongeBob SquarePants PJ bottom.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Cat Pics

Not that I'm turning in to one of those weirdos that is all about their pet, but I am still pretty excited about the fact that there's now three of us in the Erikson household. (Pay no attention to the Charles Bronson-like hair style.)
In other news: Coraline looks cool, gonna have to see that when it comes out.
Here's a really cool list of foreign movie posters.