Friday, July 31, 2009

If You Want to Confuse a Yank...

... All you've got to do is use the old junkie expression "Yes Box. All right".
It works every time, their eyes will start to flicker and a muddled look comes across their face as they try to make sense of what the hell you just said.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Pearls of Experience

"I have met lovages that have stared me right in the eye"
-Ernst Kirchsteiger
Lovages and Ernst - Deadly Enemies (nice arm shelf)

Tattoo trouble

Tonight is a new episode of L.A Ink, which rocks!
Since it's never a bad idea to laugh at others - Here are some examples of tattoos that could have done with a second check before made permanent:

A good example of what happens when you try too hard to be deep and at the same time never finished elementary school - it ends in "tradgedy".

Why would a beer can say "pizza"?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Chain

Listening to Rumours by Fleetwood Mac and thinking of jobs I will apply to when I get home. Can't use the company laptop - Big Brother would not like that at all...

Scania Jazz

Last night on the Colbert Report the Swedish band Movits performed their song "Fel del av gården". I like what I heard. It is very much like a mix of Teddybears STHLM and Madness.
I have no idea why the dress like Lasse Kroner, but I am interested in seeing what they will do next

Check it out on Colbert Nation, or on ilike.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Today's Words of Wisdom

"You'll never feel as rich as when you take some fresh bread out of the oven"
- Ernst Kirchsteiger

Baker Street

Since the Wife is working the odd shift that she is and I spend a lot of time on my lonesome at night I have found myself baking a whole lot more. That is a good thing though, you can never have too much bread.

Here's what's on the menu at Chez Eríksòn tonight:

Oven baked bacon pancake with scones on the side. Mind you - that is the second batch of scones I made today, one for breakfast, one for dinner.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Matt's Back

The Daily Matt hasn't been as daily as we all wish lately. The reason for this is simply that the wife had the whole weekend off (a thing that rarely happens anymore) and since we barely see each other during the week we decided to have the most chillaxing weekend ever and don't really do anything.
Here are some things we did managed to do though:
  • See the new Harry Potter. It was good although I will never be as exited about these films as the wife is.
  • Spend hours and hours watching Nickelodeon. It was the "SpongeBob Sponge Bash" in honor of SquarePants' 10 year anniversary.
  • Go to dinner with her grandfather that was up from Florida. Free visit to Carrabas. Sweet!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bicycle Beer

Today's beer tip: Fat Tire by New Belgium Brewery. It has been around for a while, but still worth a mentioning.
Other things that's "on" right now:
  • Listening to The Dead Weather's (Jack White's new band) debut album online.
  • Pretty Green, Liam Gallagher's line of clothing. Awesome clothes - expensive as f**k, though.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still Awake

Was still feeling dodgy this morning, so I chose to start the day with some self medication.
Phenergan - hell of a drug! The good thing is that it is somewhat effective on nausea, the bad thing is that it is also used as a sleep aid...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Led Belly

I think I am finally getting better from having a wonky stomach bug or something. Whatever it is, it seem to be digressing, now I only feel noxious a couple of hours in the morning. I have probably the most girlie-like stomach of all I know, for one thing it can turn itself inside-out just by the sight of sesame seeds. Beat that!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Duly Noted

Here is a list of people who's birthday is June 4th:

  • Russell Brand, British comedian
  • Freddy Fender, American musician
  • Rebecca Dana, American mother-in-law
  • Angelina Jolie, American actress
  • Bar Refaeli, Israeli model

I have been informed that I neglected to mention one or several persons from this list on my blog on their birthday. I would therefore like to let everybody know that these guys all had their birthday on said date, almost a month ago (well, not Freddy Fender. He is dead).

Are we happy now?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More from the Fourth

Here are some more extravagant pics from what I like to call Independence Day.

The obligatory USA Eagles Mascot

Action pics from the game

A guy dressed up a pasty flabby Mexican wrestler?

Chilling under the bleachers after the wife got a heatstroke

What else is a Swedish husband for?

Just finished whipping up some homemade meatballs for the wife and myself. She hasn't gotten off work yet, but what's better than coming home to a fresh batch of Swedish meatballs? Together with the potato sallad I made the other night it's "2 Die 4".

Monday, July 6, 2009

Down with the Clown!

For years now I have proclaimed the hidden danger and not-so-hidden scariness of clowns. Ever since Manne the Clown came to our school and frightened us as children I am convinced I can see through their evil scheme.
In a perfect world there would be a international ban on these abusers of humour, and their friends "the mimes" would also have to be gotten rid off in the name of good taste and for the well being of youths everywhere.

Found this pic on
It is a really funny site

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Birthday America

Yesterday was of course 4th of July, so the wife and myself decided to give the old U S and A a proper birthday bash:

It started with a breakfast of champions

Then we went to a Freedom themed BBQ at our very good friend Allen's

After that it was time for the USA-Canada Rugby game

It seemed like the spirit of over 200 years of freedom brought out the best in folks

Now I have just made a batch of potato salad so we're off to Ma's for some delayed Freedom Burgers. More pics to follow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time to split

So it is already July. That's whack!
Just about to round off a surprisingly productive day full of mediocre work assignments. Public Enemies opens today, hopefully The Spouse and myself can kill a couple of hours this weekend watching Depp's Dillinger taunt Blaspheming Bale.