Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PC Load Letter

I finally quit my job today. It felt awesome to once and for all leave that mess spelled Xerox behind me. Tomorrow I start the new job, and we will see what is up with that. Now it is definitely time for Matt's Homemade Espresso and Parking Wars.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bad Day


  • I had to work late and couldn't get a lift home so I had to take the bus.
  • I've got blisters and stuff growing on my left foot so I cant walk proper.
  • Due to it being Friday I stopped at the gas station and bought myself a tallboy.
  • Attempting to lift the old spirit I listen to Brian Wilson's masterpiece Smile on the Ipod.


As dusk set over West Ashley there was an angry foreigner limping through the neighbourhood grinning and swearing while humming along to Heroes and Villains, carrying a brown bag containing a bottle with 32 ounces of cheap beer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

ICAnder & MonICA

It has been raining for a couple of days, so I have had the opportunity to sport my new parka. Together with my H&M pants and Doc Marten's I look surprisingly Mod.

Friday, October 9, 2009


To the list of exotic animals one might come across in the South I can now add Humming Birds. Saw one this morning going from flower to flower, elegant yet effective.

Now, to this you might say "Matt, surely you are fibbing. A Humming Bird in October?". I would then reply "Shut up! I know what I saw."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Baltimore Bombers

So the mother in law and myself are planning a road trip to Maryland this Saturday. There we are supposed to have a Rendez-Vouz with some friends from New York, give them one of Ma's dogs and then head back to old Chuck town. I have ridiculously high hopes of seeing some fall-coloured leaves along the way and look forward to making some Clark Griswald-esque memories.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cat in the Kitchen

Time for some more cat pics. some things just never gets old, like mustard hanging out in the kitchen sink only waiting for someone to turn on the water. He is also pretty cool just posing.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Need Some Sauce

Just had some of my homemade pytt i panna. It was delish, I made it with chorizo meat to spice thing up a bit - Awesome.
All I needed was some HP Sauce, but apparently that doesn't count as a staple over here. The American equivalent - A1 - will never even come close.