Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I have been told twice today, by a license plate and a bumper sticker, that "Jesus is the Answer". Since I have no idea what the question is I think the statement is comical on the same plane as the computer in The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy coming up with the answer 42. So apparently we don't need queries or ponderings anymore, we've already got the answer. That will be a time saver!

Deux Ans

On a more personal note: Today is the wife's and mine anniversary. That's right - been married two years now... And it is still only getting better!!
One year ago on this date we were on a delayed honeymoon in Edinburgh, Scotland (our favourite city) sipping Champagne. Tonight... I see a tallboy and a Medea film.

Hatori Hanzo!!

It is already Wednesday, and that is a good thing. For some reason I have been in a Japanese film mood the whole morning. I have started to make a mental list of films to get later on. So far I've come up with The Machine Girl and Lady Ninja Kasumi.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We Can Work It Out

That's right. I am taking no prisoners in my quest for fitness. I have now gotten myself a Total Gym - Just like Chuck Norris!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pump You Up

So we just came home from having visited one of the wife's work buddys. We had a grand time, meeting his whole family while being served proper Southern BBQ. We were promised that we could try his water scooters and go to see some 'gators next time we're over.
Everybody is having the day off tomorrow (Memorial Day), except for me... have to go in and pretend to work while everyone else is off.
Although, I am going to move mother-in-law's personal gym over here tomorrow so I can start Pumpin' Iron!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rain and Football

It is muggy and drizzly out today. Had to bring a jacket to work, and I who really thought those days were gone. The weather brings some perks, though. I don't have to walk around in Mediterranean like sunshine and sweat like a Greek. But at the same time my team, Djurgårdens IF, is at this very moment losing to our arch rival AIK (We're down by one-nil). I am not certain how this is connected to the dismal weather over here, but I am sure it's not helping.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Just been out mowing the lawn. Ran into my old friend, the snake in the back yard. He's good, He has grown a bit since last so I assume he has had a plentiful spring.
Below you can find Mr. Mustard playing with the laundry, Mother-in-law's newly shaved Siberian Husky, and me enjoying a Saturday brewsky.

Funky Chicken Dance

Weekend in the Erikson household (more often than not) mean that I don't have to do the cooking. So now I'm just taking it easy, getting ready to watch some Ninja Warrior or maybe Cops while the wife is blasting 90's rock (Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins) from the kitchen preparing a chicken salad that will probably last us to Monday.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Get cracking!

Friday. I'm in the campus library scoping the news, not much to report there. On my way to fix some machines. It is very bourgeois.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Another ad that is worth mentioning:
Makes me wish I drove a VW again...

For Strenght

Had some proper fresh pineapple for breakfast this morning. Real nice, adds an exotic feel to the rest of the day.
I like the new Guinness ads. Of course I haven't had a real pint of the black stuff since August.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Where's Nalle?

Had a nice and relaxing weekend. Yesterday we had Mother's Day dinner with the mother-in-law. It was nice, she made some really juicy burgers and offered us to try the new summer brew from Blue Moon.
Now I'm just sitting here wishing that someone would bring Club Goa to life again.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hot Today

Just walked for five minutes, and I am sweating like a... very sweaty man!
People say the first summer here is the hardest and you get used to it, fair play. I am wondering though how it will be when summer hits proper and days like this are considered cool. I need to bring all these smug Southerners and their inhumane heat back home and show them that although we Northerners may become puddles in this crazy climate we can take cold like no one else. -22 F? no prob!!


So I got lazy this morning and decided not to go for a run. It is OK though, I can rest today. Next week I'm beginning an extensive work out schedule that will last for six weeks, and I am not supposed to miss a single (week)day. Gonna mix the runs with some old fashioned body work - all before sunrise. It is all very Old World.

Speaking of, I just read an article about the superiority of the kettlebells. Thinking of making them the next step in my pursuit of fitness.

F to the R to the I to the DAY

Friday, finally. It is going to get up the 90's today. Throw in some humidity and you've got yourself a scorcher of a day.
Charlestonians and clothing... Since the dress code down here in the South dictates that everything that can be tucked in shall be so, I have been forced to stuff my hip Ben Sherman short sleeve shirt in to my Old Navy Khakis. My only consolation is that together with my Doc Marten's it all goes quite well with my new, short, hairstyle.
Someone has got to keep the European standard of good taste flying high over here, amidst all the Good Ol' Boys.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Netflix, baby

So I had to sit through Atonement last night. It had loads of potential, Saoirse Ronan is always cool, Kiera Knightley did a really good posh Brit with taste for the lower classes, and James McAvoy isn't casted enough if you ask me, so it was nice to see him again.
This said - the story was just not that interesting and the way it was told just killed what little interest I had.

But of course there is an upside to this. Since the wife and sister-in-law now have gotten some love story I get Fear of a Black Hat. That's right, some NWH!! I hope it is tonight.

The Weather Sitch

Just so you know what I am dealing with here, weather like. The days are nice and warm, in the 80's every day and sometimes there's a nice cool breeze. What gets to me though is the humidity. It was 85% the other day. That's pretty frikking high. So now I am pretty much walking around sweating the whole day, charming.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tycho Brahe Day

Got up at five o'clock this morning to go for the old run. After getting dressed and ready (I even put on two pairs of socks because my trainers are shite and are giving me blisters) I went to get the I-pod so I could be on my way, only to discover that I had left my headphones at work. So I had to cancel the run and got to spend an extra hour with the Spanish channel. It was not a complete waste of time, I saw this guy do the horoscope reading for today. What is the link between astrology and weirdos?

Of course when I got to work I accidentally popped a button on my shirt sleeve. I am also pretty sure it is going to rain today...

Monday, May 4, 2009


So it is Monday again and time to sum up the weekend.
It was cool and brought a couple of new experiences with it. Watched the Kentucky Derby live on telly after having the wife complaining for years how she can't get it back in Europe. None of our horses won though, sometimes it is good to be poor - at least now we didn't loose any money betting.
During our lazy Sunday we drove out to Jedburg to see the Pepsi bottling plant. It was everything I had dreamt it would be.
I have also realised that watermelon is the perfect breakfast after the morning run. Broke the 45 minute limit today...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Cat

Here is some more pics of Mr. Mustard. At the moment I am just waiting for the sun to set a little so I can get out and get my mowing on.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekend's upon us again

So far today I have:

1) Had a ridiculously healthy breakfast with scrambled eggs, vegetables galore and some watermelon to top it off.

2) Popped off to the local comic book store for Free Comic Book Day to score some birthday gifts for the nephew.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mr. Mustard News

Thought I'd post some new pictures to keep people up to date on what is going down on Stinson Drive.

We swapped telly with mother-in-law. Her bedroom one for our living room one. The only thing is that the furniture is made for flat screens and Ma's telly is anything but flat, so we had to "borrow" a stool from her when she wasn't looking. She just called today wondering if we'd seen said stool...
Can you see Mr. Mustard?

Mister playing with one of those 80's ball things.

Or... trying to eat it.