Friday, December 4, 2009

Songs that remind me I am going to be a father

1. Father and Son - Cat Stevens.
My favourite Cat Stevens song. Awesome, moving lyrics without being sappy.
2. Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin.

Again - somewhat sentimental, but still Rock n' Roll enough to sing along to.
3. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac.

Not really about being a parent as much as having one (or contemplating your relationship with Lindsey Buckingham), but it is a beautiful song and the line about children getting older always makes me think.
4. I wanna pick you up - The Beach Boys.
Maybe a bit obvious, but I have to mention this Brian Wilson gem from one of the most inconsistent Beach Boys albums ever.
5. Jasså du, man ska bli farsa (Oh, I'm gonna be a dad)- Paul Dennis.

Wouldn't be a complete list without this 70's classic with lines such as "Gråter du? Det är ju ball. Det är klart, visst blir man snopen. Men rätt glad i alla fall" (Are you crying? This is cool. Sure, I'm surprised - but somewhat happy anyway.)

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