Monday, July 26, 2010

I've Been Robbed

Of seven centimeters that is.
I measured myself in the children's clinic today (because that's the sort of things I do!) only to realise that their wall mounted measuring instrument is way off when it comes to the old Metric scale. I have always (well not always, but at least the last ten years) sported a proud 177 cents. According to the hospital's piece of crap body ruler I am barely a measly 169. Not cool!
I tried to tell the nurses and get them as excited about the gross miscalculating situation as I was, but since they only wanted to ask me about Baby Sean and even gave me one of those squiggly wristbands in the shape of Wonder Woman I found it hard to stay on topic.
But then again, how can you not want to talk about anything but this:

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