Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy B-day, Tjabo

OK, we all know who's birthday it is today.
That's right - The King of Sweden!
Myself and my wee family (the spouse) wish His Royal Highness an outstanding birthday and hope he has many more to come.
Below is the King together with the coolest sports car ever made - The Volvo P1800

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am on to you

Another morning. Another "lets get up at 5:00 and run for forty minutes". I like it though, it's a lovely start of the day. Like taking a scenic train ride to Achy Muscle Town.

This is directed to the ladies of Air Harbor: I know what you are doing.
I haven't met a soul previous weeks while running and yet the day after I blog about it you are everywhere, coincidink - I think not.
It is cool, girls. We'll hook up at my place 5:05 sharp tomorrow morning and I'll show you how we run in the Old Country.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

La Cucaracha

So it has happened. I am now so multi-culti I can tell any song and video on the Spanish Channel apart from the others. It was this morning, after the run, I was in another room when the morning news/music show on TV started playing a music video. Instead of giggling to myself because of the accordion overkill and lack of music originality I actually found myself recognising said song (and not hating it, well - a little).
That's when you know you are starting to get just a little bit too American - when you can discuss music with the Mexican crew outside Home Depot.

Running with the Devil

So the past two mornings I've been getting up at 5:00 am to go running. It is really cool to run around the neighbourhood at that time, while the sun is rising and all the snobby ladies in the rich and semi-gated part of Air Harbor are walking their wee dogs. It is very American Beauty, apart from the gay running buddies, and that I am not a middle aged American bloke.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cop Breakfast

Just had a cup o' Joe from Dunkin'. It is nearly one o' clock PM so it might not technically count as breakfast, but it is the first meal of the day - so there!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wicked Weekend

Have had a really nice and lazy Saturday so far:

Breakfast at Moe's

A C-Span exhibition on all the U.S presidents at Citadel mall

Also went to I'on, up at Mount P. It is one of the richest neighbourhoods around. You can't really tell by this Palmetto but it was proper nice

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Break It Down

Another Thursday morning in Charleston. It is warm out and it is only gonna get warmer. Been thinking about getting my running done before work, in the mornings, instead of the afternoon. The plus side of this would be the lack of scorching sun and neighbourhood kids running away because they think I am chasing them (has actually happened). The bad thing would be that I would have to get up at 5:30 in the morning. Haven't made my mind up yet.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't make 'em like that anymore...

It is Wednesday morning and I am taking some personal health time from work blogging. I just realised that Gunnar Nordahl was my age (27) when he joined Milan in 1947. When he retired seven years later he had 268 mathes and 221 goals to brag about. Gives us old timers hope of a life on the other side of the infamous hill.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sir Mix-a-Lot 2009

Appareantly the new Sponge Bob / Burger King commercial is scary to some... I quite like it.

A la Suédois

Here is a cool song and video, quite retro. I just stumbled across it online.

The Smiths

Here is a funny clip from the British show Goodnight Sweetheart.


This fella' was waiting for us on the back porch when we came home.

Fun in the Sun

So here is the Saturday so far. Have been to a "festival" at Marion Square, Downtown. There were:

Palm trees & Patriotism


Obelisks raised in memory of Confederate soldiers with the nephew and myself in front of them

Admiral Ganja

Friday, April 17, 2009


Gonna cut off early from work (I am the only one left, so I see no point in staying). It is proper sunny out, so the wife and I are gonna do our best to scare up the town tonight as only we can. Considering the monetary situation that probably equals some macaroni pudding and a glass of ice water.
Some call it Madness. We call it Friday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

¿Cómo estás, Miguel?

Saw the new video from Lupillo Rivera on the Spanish Channel this morning.
This is not it, it is an older one, but it is still funny.

Flash Back

So apparently it is cold today. I did not think so however this morning and am therefore not wearing a jacket today. I thought my mother-in-law was kidding when she was shivering and complaining - until I saw a guy wearing fecking Snow joggers! Never thought I would see the 80's kid's winter clothing of choice on a black dude in Charleston in April.
Ohh, you United States, you never seize to amaze me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome to Wal-Mart

Bad thing: Had to go to Super Wal-Mart after work for grocery.
Good thing: Charmed the greeting lady out of a pair of Smiley stickers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Drove past a church today who were proud to announce that Jesus is alive. And here I was thinking that the whole reason we celebrate Easter is that the J-Man actually died...


Good day today. Around the 80's outside. Been punking around bookstores in Mount P. - which is always cool. Had a bit of a headache this morning due to my mother-in-law offering all you can drink Absolut Pears last night. Since it is hard to find pear flavored food or snacks over here (almost as hard as getting hold of liquorice) I drank to make up for it. She should have known better than to offer free vodka to a Swede...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We Survived Summerville

Yeah, so the flower festival. There wasn't really much flower action happening. Actually there was none of it! But I managed to acquire a couple of pics to describe the feel of it:

There were booths with funny names

Me looking fruity in front of cool cars

Me getting freaky with the colour scheme

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bring it on

Off to Summerville to do a flower festival today. I have surprisingly high hopes.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Jam

I just realized that Paul Weller and I now have the same hairstyle! The Modfather and Myself... Sweet

I've made my own shorts!!

So I had to mow the lawn again. It has been a couple of months since last, so I was game.
It was quite an adventure, I probably ran over fifty wee frogs with the mower, killed some wicked big spiders with the weed eater (trimmer), saw a lizard hanging out on the patio and got startled by a fecking snake. It is a jungle out there.

Dags, You like dags?

The new film Adventureland is ok, but only that. It is definitely not a new Superbad.
The wife has been bugging me to get Marley & Me on DVD. I resist and try to maintain my dignity. I mean, she will win in the end - but I won't go down without a fight, dammit! Didn't they learn anything from Turner & Hooch or You, Me and Dupree: neither dogs nor Owen Wilson should ever be allowed to try to act again.

Mr's on the loose

Apparently Mr. mustard has a thing for Q-tips and like nothing better than to surprise-jump on to plastic bags. Imagine that!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Disney did it again...

Just finished watching National Treasure. It was terrible! Nicolas Cage delivering his standard one face persona following vague clues while the Masons are being portrayed as a friendly somewhat secret organisation that only has the best of Mankind in mind.
The Masons are a group of evil minded Jacobins that will stop at nothing to get their will.
Example: They killed Gustav III in 1792, one of the best kings ever, only to get to the throne themselves.

I know this film has been around for quite some time and it does not make any sense to do a review of it now, but when Disney start making pro-mason films it has gone to far.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bubbly - Bubba Style

Had my first American Tallboy last night!

It was everything I had expected: Cheap tasting lager for the price of a Pepsi.

Still - It was an amazing experience to have 24 fluid ounces of "The Champagne of Beer".

The Rain

It rained a lot today. Not crazy much - there's no need to build an ark or anything, but it was still enough to flood half of the back yard.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Three films that I've recently seen and think everybody else should see as well:
  • I Love You, Man
  • In Bruges
  • Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise

The wife want's to add Duplicity to the list, but Nah...

Euro Trash... Chef?

Just finished whipping together a scrumptious oven baked bacon pancake while blasting Whale through the whole house.