Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Better Late...

Due to cutbacks I am now forced to take 2 hour lunches, which means that I now have time to get myself updated in the Foreign TV department. I noticed that there is a documentary show about the Swedish airport Arlanda and the people who work there. It is a good idea, although a bit late, was it TEN years ago now that we saw the Luton and EasyJet shows on ITV?
For all you Yanks: ITV is a bit like SPIKE TV, but a little bit classier... because it is European.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ChuckTown Padres?

I ran into a Chaplain this morning (He wasn't in uniform, so I didn't get to do my "Hello Father!!") who wanted to talk to me about The Troubles. I of course wasted no time to tell him about the evil ways of Reverend Ian Paisley. After that it started to get weird when he wanted to tell me why we all need God. I left when he said he liked my shirt so much I should give it to him.

Facts that makes it painstakingly clear I'm not in Ireland anymore

  • People here do not hesitate to say "purty" for pretty - without being ironic.
  • Whenever I see a priest I shout out "Hello Father!!" and only get slightly scared looks back.
  • It is the end of September and still warmer than at the height of Irish summer.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cheeky Friday

So far today I have been complemented on my:

  • Hair (twice)
  • Eyes
  • Face
  • JFK Tattoo (twice)
  • Posture and demeanor

Nothing like a little ego-boost to finish off the work week.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Spell Check

"...So instead of saying 'Hello Matt' I would say '-H... R'"
A coworker trying to explain his own system of abbreviations.

Backyard Baby

Today the semi stray terrier that has been roaming our backyard decided to bring her puppy. It is a sweet little thing, although he could do with some grooming.
Mr Mustard was not happy to share the attention.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Metal Chicken

Here is a new commercial featuring the old band Dokken.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Had to drive myself today to work using the mother-in-law's SUV with the shift stick up on the dash board, behind the wheel. It all had a very 50's feel to it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cousin Sara!!

The 2009 Swedish televised Christmas Calendar is going to star Sara Edwardsson as Supersnälla Silversara. Awesome!
It won't top Allram Eest's macical performance a couple of years ago, but still.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In The Year 199X...

The Fist of Lingering Regret and Certain Death!
Pretty much the coolest name of an episode ever!

Anime Forever

Now it is time to watch Fist of the North Star online.

Spud Gun

Whipped up a spectacular bash of potato buns last night. It takes about three hours to make so I was well pleased when they came out alright - not like last week when I had the splendid idea of boiling the little suckers instead of frying them. Needless to say, mashed potato doesn't boil well - and a whole weeks supply of potato was made in to soup...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Cat In The Sink

Here are some pics of what happens when you have a water-crazy cat who feel he needs to cool down.

Running Buddy

Got this watch a while ago. I now use it every time I go running. Yep, Faló and I make a grand running team.

Friday, September 4, 2009


The time to go home for the weekend is creeping closer with every long minute. In a wicked pub-mood, you know - two pints of lager and a packet of crisps.

Old News

Since my trusted ride to work quit last week I have found a new one and I am now coming in to work way too early, and there is absolutely nothing to do. No one is calling the work phone and the cool Pop Culture sites I use to keep myself in the know hasn't been updated from the day before. What's left then is European media (Irish, British, Swedish) The sad thing is that they are already one day behind in reporting the stuff I have already read about (except for The Sun).
It is not easy being at the forefront of what's happening.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shepherds We Shall Be...

The trailer for Boondock Saints II: All Saint's Day is on Youtube!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Run Matt, Run

Thanks to my new super-shoes I am now back at the old 6 mile track in the mornings. I will need a couple of more mornings to get the time down to an hour again, but still!


It is getting chilly in Chucktown. Low 70's, still not cool enough for a jacket, though.