Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Little Shopper

The boy yesterday at Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Office Smells

I just had to run (not literally, I walked) a couple of laps all over campus, so now I am stinking it up in the office. Fortunately I am by myself today, so there is no one to get offended by my man-musk.

Here is a picture of my wicked station

Monday, March 28, 2011

Looking Back

Here is a four-sentence re-cap of the Eriksonian weekend:

  • Friday night the Mrs. and myself went to see Sucker Punch (as mentioned earlier, but definitely worth mentioning twice). Haven't been to the movies in a while, so that was a real treat.

  • Saturday I helped a friend move, always nice to get a free workout...

  • Sunday I did a 20K run. It was totally alright, the only irritating thing about it is the ridiculously high number of bug bites one can acquire in a bit over two hours outside.

Consider Me Punched

At the moment I am at the office listening to Bjork's Army of Me and dreaming about a land with school girl uniforms, samurai robots and wicked gun fights. Sucker Punch was phenomenal and had the best use of a Bjork song in a film since Leon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Elderly Fashioned Learning Institute

Have musically moved from Aimee to My Bloody Valentine.

"Why Matt", you might say, "We dare say it feels as if you are on a wicked 90's kick today."

"But yes", I would reply, "yes it does indeed!"


Freshly made coffee and some dodgy looking broccoli.

To go with this I am listening to the best of Aimee Mann, seems to be a surprisingly nice combination.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Book Shopping

Finally found a good guide for successful stalking.
Hoping to make the move up to the professional league this year.

Reading Partner

This was my night yesterday; trying to read while neglecting the obvious calls for attention from Mustard.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Man in Machine

Today was the "Irish" pot luck at work that for some reason I was bestowed to organise. I made green scones and told people to bring potato dishes. I turned out to be alright, not very Irish, but still not bad.

And now before I leave for the day I decided to give the little judgemental man inside my printer's paper tray a body.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Love Books!

Not sure what to do with them, but they're awesome!

Spooky Beer

Here is a monster that left his imprint in the foam after I finished a beer the other week.

Time for Sign

Made this sign for the office today.

Latest Baby Pics

Myself and the boy playing on the couch.

Sean standing up in the sofa, looking out the window.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Moving Pictures

Here is a video of the firstborn eating a tasty fruit concoction.

You might have to turn the sound up some to hear it.