Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Park Life

After the Doctors visit the other day two Erikson men went to the park to play some footie and do some random exploring.

Sean is really starting to get excellent control over the whole Football thing.

He was really curious about the ditch...

Sticks are always a hit.

At the Doc's

Last Friday I took the boy to the doctor for a check up. Here is a picture to prove it!

He is trying to figure out what to do with the lollopop while reading the latest Avon Catalog.

So we turned 30 yesterday. This is just a random picture showing how Crazy it can get in the Erikson household when milestones as such are reached.

Over The Hill

Is this a picture of a 30 year old man having one of many Birthday Guinnesses?

Why, yes! Yes it is.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monkey Gone to Heaven

I almost forgot to blog about this: Last Friday (11/11/11, Ooooohhh...) The wife and I went to see Pixies, live in concert. It was one of the best gigs I have ever been to. They performed their Doolittle album from start to finish and threw in the rest of their classic songs as well.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday II

After our outing we went home to talk about our day and drink a refreshing cup of apple juice.

Sunday I

Sunday we went to the park again to blow off some steam, this is our story:

First we were really excited to play some football.

Then we realized there was already a game going on.

So we decided to stay on the sidelines and play with the fall leaves.


This Saturday, as we do most weekends nowadays, myself and the son headed over to the playground. we brought a ball and played some one-on-one footie. Although, the most fun all day came from counting acorns, and trying to eat some when dad weren't looking.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Little Wanderer

Yesterday afternoon Sean and I decided to head over to the local playground/football pitch and go for a stroll. We spotted some dragonflies that Sean found mesmerizing and some squirrels that he just seemed to assume were small agile dogs. We also found the hidden fun in pine cones, sticks and my bagel discount card.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Call Thomas!

Saw an odd poster while out for lunch today:

A couple of things seem obvious:
Thomas believe in repetition as a sales argument.
Thomas has no idea how a numbered list works.
I am really not sure what number three on the list is.

Sick Day

Feeling a bit under the weather still, it has been going for about two weeks now. I think that Nikki, Sean and I keep giving the bug to each other in a vicious snot filled circle. At the moment I am in the office listening to The Bluetones while still wearing three layers of clothes.

Fine Dining

Here is a picture and film of Sean's first encounter with kroppkakor. It wasn't really a hit until I gave him a spoon so he could feed himself. Obviously it went swimmingly.