Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sean the Welder

More pics

Some more pictures of the lad.
Sean being a fireman in oversized boots.

Trying out this springs mustache-trends.


Here are some new pictures of the boy.
Sean and myself making muffins.

Sean "helping out" in the kitchen.

Sean channeling his inner Strindberg
Coolest author-hair ever.

Locker Room Shenanigans

This is what I do to entertain myself in the locker room at work.
My locker is the one on the left.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

March Fun

So far today Sean and I have:
Ridden the bike

Decorated for Easter

Visited an old plague cemetary and gone rock climbing

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Year - New pics

As I sit here, entering data, I thought I'd update the old picture bank. Enjoy:
Ready to play some footie.

Poking holes in the ice.
A snow dog.

Throwing snowballs.
Playing in the woods.

Myself fixing the roof after a storm.

A highly respectable Star Wars-collection.