Thursday, November 17, 2016

SnowFlaker Maker

Sean making snowflakes on his window.


Whenever I am about to use this loo, I see the first line on the sheet of paper, stop, and look around to see if I can see a baby somewhere.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Friday Treat

Myself and the lad enjoying some end-of-the-week ice-cream.


That's Nice

Saw this at the local "Scary-Church". Considering all the whack jobs who has claimed to be Christians through the ages, Jesus doesn't really comes of as the most selective semi-deity. But is still nice to get a thumbs up on the way home from work at night.

The feeling is by no way reciprocated - but I do appreciate the Pokémons in the window.

Eat The Rich!

And so the class war begins...

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dr. Seuss Hair

Sean sporting a cool hairdo, whilst doing his homework.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


So, I am now officially a student at The University of Edinburgh. I have registered, and in a couple of hours I am about to select my final courses. Earlier today i signed up with the university's running club and now I am sitting in the Philosophy and Psychology Library in the Psychology building on campus. I have run past this building several times in the past (on my legendary 5 AM runs. (I say legendary - I'm not sure anyone else agrees with that, but as long as no one disagrees - that's how they stay labeled!)), but never dared to assume that I would actually be on the inside, reeking havoc.

On another note: Sean is about to lose his second baby tooth, and is already planning to spend the money it will bring on Nessie-merchandise. for some reason he is really in to the Loch Ness monster at the moment.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Birthday Boy

Here are some pictures from Sean's long awaited sixth birthday.
Riding the bus in the morning.

Enjoying a birthday brownie at his favourite restaurant.
Fika with the new dragon at the local chocolatier's.
Present-opening time!


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Clumsy Cow

Found this odd notice in the newspaper the other day.

Sean & I

Some pictures of what the lad and I have been up to lately.
We've been to the doctor to get vaccinations and bravery-stickers.

We have been to cool out-doors art exhibitions.

... and not so interesting in-doors impressionism showings

Tesco Terror

A unnecessarily threatening sign at Tesco.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Midsummer Monster

Today is a sad day for Britain. Again the old ghost of a Victorian, and grossly inappropriate imperial mindset made itself known.  Here is a picture of a dust bin (or is it a Mondoshawan from The Fifth Element in disguise?) to cheer us up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bear In Blue Chair

Sometimes when you go from the kitchen to the hall, something like this will be waiting to get your attention.

A pimp looking, medal wearing, ball holding, teddy bear with a dinosaur for a pirate's parrot, a flash cape and just the right amount reflective ankle tape.

Tunnel of Love

This tunnel is a shortcut to Tesco's. Whenever I use it I am convinced one of two things will happen; either I get beaten up a gang wearing bowler hats and fake eye-lashes, or I will get taken away by a sensual, yet misunderstood beast called Vincent.


The Boy With a Spinosaurus In His Side

I snapped this picture while Sean and I walked through the collegiate part of town on the way home from school last Friday. I think it looks like a The Smiths album.

Bob The Lazy Ass

This kid's ride is located outside the local Tesco's. It isn't working as it should. Good thing Bob the Builder is there.
"No worries, Bob is here!"

"Eehh, let's see here. This is broken somehow."

"That ought to do it."
So - Can Bob fix it? Nah, but he is pretty good at standing around, looking like he is in the middle of something.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Leaving The Library

The guy from across the table has now been missing for an hour. His lap top is still sitting there. I am getting the heck out of Dodge while I can, and will try to swing by the local charity shop on my way home. I need a picture frame.

Boy on Bus

Sean, Spiner and their water bottle.

Sean (wearing the baseball cap he annexed from his old man) and Spiner.

Sean outside British Home Stores, which by-the-way has gone under...

Library Mystery

I am right now at the local library, sitting at a four seat table in the main reading room with two other blokes who work on their lap tops. One of them just packed up his rucksack and left the room. The thing that surprises me is that he left his lap-top on the table, right across from me. The thing that scares me is that I fully expect this to be a bomb-plot, and catch myself trying to remember any distinct characteristics about the guy that could prove my point. I don't remember any weird tattoos that I can connect with any known dissident group, so right now I am just going to stay where I am and see what happens.

Boy, Reading

This is Sean enjoying the local book store.


Here is a picture of my favourite new hang-out, the local B&Q on Warriston Road.
This is where all the cool kids go to look at reasonably prized wallpaper and lighting fixtures.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Computer Blue

Sitting at the Stockbridge Starbucks, taking advantage of their free Internet. Beside me are two other middle aged white guys, each with a coffee and a laptop doing what looks like important stuff. The main difference between them and myself is probably that I am blasting Prince's Purple Rain album in my multi-coloured headphones.
While I am here I am also charging my phone and iPod - only schmucks pay for stuff like that! So far today I have done some laundry, the dishes, and been in contact with the council - sorting out an issue with a glass recycling bin that was delivered to our home when what I requested was a food waste bin (when will they learn).
I am currently looking to see if I have (and cursing the fact that I haven't) heard back from any of the places where I have applied for work. To cheer myself up I am also trying to decide which selectable classes to take at uni come fall, so far Language Behaviours, Brains and Cognition: Data and Theories has sailed up as a favourite.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Preparedness Is Next To Godliness

This is how well I sometime prepare my cooking.



There is a theme there...

Playground Pals

This morning the lad and I accidentally arrived for Sean's whole day out-of-school activity half an hour early. This meant of course thirty minutes of no-bars-held-father-and-son-time! After a friendly chat with the groundskeeper at the playground at The Meadows we were off.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Cat's In The Cradle

Sitting in the ridicously cold computer room at Stockbridge Library, listening to Ugly kid Joe and looking for employment on-line. After this I see lunch and a Tesco-run in the near future.
I just found a telemarketing job that offers free beer as a perk. Maybe if I stayed sauced I could go back there...

Vampire Realtors

I am on to you...

The Wall

The other day Sean built a wall (or mountain, as he called it) out of stuffed animals just before bed time. I am sure there was no alterior motive there at all.

It was 42 centimeters high!