Friday, January 29, 2010

Off Roading

Ran 8.5 miles today, in an hour and twenty minutes. All I'd had to eat was a couple of carrots and some delicious strawberry cake.
A word of warning to fellow West Ashlians: If you see someone in an Irish Rugby beanie and cat hair-covered sweatpants - Stand back 'cause I'm hauling arse!

A Pair of Trousers Named... Dave

Having a cup o' tea and planning next weeks grocery list (going with chicken!)
I am a maad man!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Manly Things I've Done Today

  • Worked through lunch
  • Changed tire on the car
  • Went grocery shopping while the pregnant wife was at home throwing up
  • Cooked a meal big enough to feed a whole family (well, Preggo and Myself...)
  • Ran on a pregnancy-craving run (Pepsi & Oreo's)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Rugby I'm Not Able to Watch

Northampton lost to Munster yesterday in Heineken Cup. Not really a big surprise since O'Gara still seem unstoppable, and it was a narrow win, 12 - 9. The Saints are doing good even though the loss and that makes one proud. What I don't get though is why Munster would keep a guy like Stringer on the bench...

Running on Drugs

Had a bit of an headache earlier today. In good old Nordic fashion I decided to drink my weight in water and suffer it through. Then as she left for work the wife ratted me out to her mother who came over, stat, with some prescription drugs to force down my throat. Well, they worked and I just returned from a really relaxing run; 6.6 miles in 65 minutes, not bad.

Deep Thoughts

If you have ever wanted to visit a place where people are convinced everybody but them has an accent - Come to America.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Java Rug

I have also spilled a respectable amount of ground coffee on our flash office carpet, in an attempt to brew some new joe after I wasted half a pot ruining the number keys on my keyboard by pouring coffee all over them.


So far today I have spilled coffee all over my desk twice. I feel like I've got at least one more time in me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Bookworm strikes again

Since Tuesday is the worst telly-night of the week I was contemplating whether to read some books or organise my Ipod. I was just on my way to get the little music machine when I realised that I had left it in the car that is right now parked outside the wife's office... The God Delusion and Watchmen it is!

Cats and Calories

Dinner: Pancakes with ice cream, maple syrup and beer.

And Mr Mustard

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Had yesterday off (Thanks Dr King) so today is the beginning of a 4-day week. That works!

This weekend the wife and myself managed to scheme ourselves to some store credit at Barnes & Noble, so we have now got a beautiful book on the works of Alphonse Mucha...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bacon Rising

Got up 5 AM today to make oven-baked bacon pancake. It was surprisingly painless.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tin Man

This is what I had for dinner tonight. Don't be fooled, that ravioli was meant to feed a whole family and that was an "Australia sized" beer can, biggest one I've ever seen.

Harry Rag

So I was all psyched for the premier of American Idol tonight, it really wasn't as good as I had hoped. It is still on and I am at the moment blasting The Kinks and trying to organise three closets at once...

Egg Head

This is how fun you can have if you decide not to grow up and keep playing with your food.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tea For The Masses

Left work a couple of hours early yesterday to spend some time with the wife in downtown Charleston. I was in a wicked mood for a curry, but this being the American South I had to settle for a bowl of Jambalaya...
On the way home we found a (to us) new Spice & Tea store, me realising I haven't had a good cuppa in years immediately ran in and started smelling the samples. I bought myself a flash infuser, but I still find it weird that it is literally impossible to buy a proper kettle over here (apart from the ridiculously overpriced one they were hawking in the store) - gonna have to order one online...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sweet Lady Joe

I have had eight cups of coffee in two hours. For good or bad - that's the most exciting thing that's happened in the office today.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chuck Town By Foot

Went for a proper long walk today. I had been promised a really cold day, so I brought out my trusted duffel coat and Timberland-like boots and went exploring around West Ashley. Here's some of what I saw:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

And Then We Rest

Another "Cat in a Box shoot"

While the wife is working the graveyard shift me and Mustard cause mayhem...

Friday, January 8, 2010


Watching a Chuck marathon on SyFy. Been meaning to catch the show for years but just never gotten around to it. It kicks ass! Also, I'm having my second whiskey for the night.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Recipe for fun

1. Get your hands on some fizzy pear drink and a nice bottle of Vodka.

2. mix the two in an Ernst Billgren glass

Foot People

The wife had her feet out and I had a pen...


The wife and myself on New Years Eve.

Beans and Brian

I have just spent my lunch break drinking coffee and watching Brian O'Driscoll clips on YouTube. I have come to two personal conclusions; I really miss not being able to watch rugby on the telly - and - I need to stop pouring hot coffee in the mug while its half full with cold joe already, all I get is a cup full of lukewarm java - and that doesn't make anyone happy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Macca at Work

We have now moved on to Paul McCartney & Wings, and I have just had a couple of brats and some lumpy mashed potato. Ready for another half of the day!

Office Blues

My coworker and I are starting the new year by playing Tom Waits in the office. Granted, not the most positive start to the new decade - but fitting since the cold weather seem to have put the whole Charleston area in a weird confusing funk.