Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey Mister

Got a cat today.

It was my crazed mother-in-law that thought it would be a good idea to bring by an abandoned cat without letting us know first. Needless to say we loved the little bugger and he stayed. We have named him Mr. Mustard. Ya know - from the song.
As you can see he is red and white. He is awesome!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Get it? Got it. Good!

Just got the latest Amazing Spider-Man. Had to back order it, but now I've finally got it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kick Off (not really)

6 Nations kicks off in a couple of weeks. Starting to get the shakes due to lack of rugby over here.
Here is my top 3 guess for 2009:

1) Ireland

2) Wales

3) France

The guy in the picture scoring for Old Eire is Gordon D'Arcy. The wife met him a couple of times. Refused to get me an autograph... Still hurts

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hans(?) Solo

Here's a funny video.
Now it is time to go to bed and watch AFV on our ridiculously undersized telly.

Long Time - No Blog

It has been kind of dreary here in old Chuck town, grey skies and not as hot as usual. So like good South Carolinians we have mostly stayed in and hoped for this cold front to move trough (you almost need a jacket!!)
Here is some photographic descriptions of what I mean:
This here is a very expensive and highly fashionable Ernst Billgren duck swimming in North Carolinian moonshine. Needed something to warm us up...

This is a totally rad salad the spouse threw together. We found this horse radish cheese that really put over the top. Note how the moonshine-duck is now also accompanied by three parts pineapple juice, a surprisingly delicious mix.
Also, saw Ink Heart this weekend - meh. Could have been better.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sweeney Todd

Cut myself shaving this morning, just under the nose. So people have been giving me weird looks all day and discreetly trying to let me know that I have a cut on my top lip... Yeah, I know, thanks!

Doesn't matter though, as soon as I find one I am going to get myself a Safety Razor. That's right - No School like The Old School!
Found this really cool article online on how to shave like they used to back in the days, and I'm sold. Gonna scope out some antique stores in Chuck Town. Might as well look for a fashionable walking stick while I'm at it...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hail to the Chief

Watched the inauguration on big screen. Awesome - even if the oath part got a bit messy.
Surfin' on about three times a day, planning on buying a new pair of pants come February, big decish!
Finally bought filters for the coffee maker I got for Christmas, so I am enjoying the glorious nectar of Gevalia's Ebony for the first time since August, sweet.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Day

Power Puff Girls marathon on the telly. "Macaroni pudding" in the oven. New episodes of Big Bang Theory and How I met Your Mother on tonight.
Good Stuff!
Had to run for like three minutes at work today, and I'm feeling it in the legs now. I am so out of shape it is not even funny.

Go Obama

Now it is time for SNL's Presidential Bash.

Omelette Du Fromage

Just whipped up some of Matt's famous omelets - Delish!
Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr Day, a federal holiday. For some reason I have to work... It's no biggie, but it still sucks to have a one day longer work week than everybody else.
Wonder what Dr. King would say.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bad taste, obscure gas station on Hwy 17

The film was alright. I mean, it was a total chick flick, but it had its moments.

Saw the funniest sign on the way to the theatre:

Of course, it is more fun if you have seen the South Park episode called "Starvin' Marvin", but even if you haven't it is still a pretty crappy name for a sign.

Chick Flick

Going to see "Bride Wars".
Will return with a ruling on the film...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Time to watch the Watchmen

The Watchmen is coming out as planned. WB and Fox struck a deal outside court. Don't really care about the details, as long as I get to watch Dr. Manhattan & Co. unleash hell I'm happy.

Joaquin Phoenix is pursuing a rap(?!) career, and Casey Affleck is going to film the whole spectacle...

The Ting Tings are coming big here in the States now. Better late than never...

Happy B-day

Uncle Oskar turns 43 today!
That's just crazy cool.
That is not him - in the picture, but you know. Birthdays and the King, they just go so very well together

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kickin' snail butt

Beat the wife in Spongebob Squarepants Monopoly tonight. Killed her proper! I was swimming in Mr. Krabs-dollar. She was Gary and I was Patrick. This was my big Christmas gift to her, I know - she is a lucky woman...

Next we have to try the Beatles Monopoly that she gave to me.

Lifetime is showing old episodes of How I met your mother. Can't get enough of that show. Alyson Hannigan is cool and cute, and Neil Patrick Harris' Barnie is just pure Awesomeness.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Viva Telemundo

I was watching the morning show on the Spanish Channel this morning while waiting for my ride. Everything is better on the Spanish Channel! It is more relaxed and somehow sexier... I don't understand everything that's being said, but that's a detail I can work on.
From now on Despierta America is given a part of my morning routine.

Espresso and Mexicans - Can't go wrong with that!

Yes We Can

Just finished watching the premier of American Idol. Some highs - some lows. The tattooed chick singing Barracuda rocked!
I just heard on the news that Pepsi's new logo that they've had since December is supposed to be inspired by Obama's "O". Could be...
Speaking of. Its is awesome how many people will be in D.C. on Tuesday, gonna be crazy cool!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kamprad for President

Rainy today, people complain about the cold. Maybe it's just me - but I just don't think it is that cold.
Check out IKEA's new ads that's all over the place in DC in time for the inauguration. Sort of cool.
Time to get some work done...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Rounding it off

I am the only one left at the "office" and my laptop is acting up so this will have to be a short one...
The poster for the new
Transformers is out.

Ice Ice Baby

Myself and the wife decided to go for a walk since the weather was quite gloomy, and there is this really nice hood at James Island that is very walkable. After a couple of minutes Nikki twisted her ankle and fell (or maybe vice versa). We rushed home and iced the ankle that has been bad ever since a nasty tumble down a set of stairs in N.C. a couple of months ago. Now she will have to move with crutches for a couple days.
Pineapple Express was hilarious!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

From South Park to Summerville

Had a lunch from Hardee's and a bag of Doritos to follow, which means that I'll be full for the rest of the night. Going out to Summerville to meet the sister in law and watch the new film over there.
Here's some cool avatars I made of me and the wife:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Excavation in the backyard

I have been mowing the lawn today. Never thought I would be doing that in January. At one point I thought I had found a buried animal or something, so I started to tear up this section of the back yard, feeling proper CSI. After a while I discovered that it wasn't any animal, but one of those mats that you use to get grass to grow in places it usually doesn't like dark sandy corners in the back yard...

I also found this weird cable sticking out of the ground... It just pops up only to go down again. It is very Lost!

Bought Pineapple Express at Walmart. Will be cool to watch that tonight and forget all about (alien?) cables.

Spongy Saturday

The weekend is upon us again, and Nick is showing loads of new Spongebob episodes. That reminds me of the tin box the Mrs got me for Christmas. It is awesome:
Although I am not sure about using it as an actual lunch box. It would probably result in weird looks and a bunch of un-straight rumours...

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Hardest Button to Button

  • What's up with all the button issues lately? Today another sleeve button on another shirt popped. It is not as if my wrists are growing, so I have no idea...
    I have just discovered that there isn't even the slightest trace of a needle or thread in the whole house, so have arranged a hook up at work tomorrow morning so I can get some sowing done before I start.

Guess what comic book I'm getting on Wednesday!

At the moment I am blasting Jennifer Love Hewitt - mainly to annoy the wife who hates her with a passion.

Downloaded what looks like a cool cook book the other day, hopefully I'll be able to try some recipes during the weekend. More on that later.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Predict a Riot

Mad Men - Can't wait for the second season to come out on DVD. Have to see what happens with Don, and just see Joan...
So - the riot. The wife is on the last vampire book. That thing is like smack to her, and it is gonna be a mess when she is forced to go cold turkey.
Tonight I'm in a major Brian Wilson mood, have been for a couple of days - since I found my copy of his newest album "That Lucky Old Sun". I lost it in the move to the new gaff quite some time ago only to find it under the wifes' knitting stuff in the closet. Ever since it's been non stop old school.
"Old Sun" is a cool album with Wilson looking back at the style of music that got him to start composing back in the day, and he mixes it up with some spoken word between the songs. It is no "Smile", But just the fact that he is still around to make albums is good enough for me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Breakfast at work

So it's Wednesday - hump day - finally!
This day began on a high note, so I have grand hopes. Started the morning with a cup of freshly grounded espresso, which gave me the strength to finally pull the old Christmas tree to the curb.
Windy today. But still crazy warm, considering it's January.
The only downer is that I am at work, have been so for half an hour, and I don't start for another half hour. It's all good in the hood though, I am at the desk rocking out to The Drive 100.5 in my headphones and eating a ham sandwich. It is all very Office Space.
Just keepin' it real.

Let the countdown begin

I am a big fan of lists, so I was delighted when I found Topless Robot. A really cool site with proper nerdy lists - this is my favourite. It is about time some one tells it the way it is! Spider-man just isn't cool as a comic strip, and I think all those people with Cathy strips on their fridge door are just being pretentious since it just isn't funny - it just has the reputation of being so.

Also - here is my list of my most anticipated movies of 2009:

6. Terminator Salvation - Christian Bale as John Connor actually fighting the war against the machines we keep hearing about. A Welsh playing the last hope of mankind. I'm sold!

5. Boondock Saints II, All Saints Day - Troy Duffy will finally try to top his 1999 masterpiece. It won't be the same without Agent Smecker, though.

4. Inglourious Basterds - Tarantino directing Pitt in a World War II movie. So far I have only seen photos from the set, but it looks awesome!

3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Hugh Jackman returns as the coolest mutant ever. Let the shredding begin!

2. Watchmen - I know I have made this out to be the coolest flick in a long time, and it probably will be. Although since we don't know for sure if it's really coming out in 2009...

1. Public Enemies - C'mon, its Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger. Can't get much cooler than that. I have been promised Tommy Guns and pin striped suits galore, all Johnny's gotta do is to deliver as usual.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Worst Book Series Ever!

Just came back from the bookstore. That's right - the third Twilight book...

After the Mrs came into the living room screaming (!) how she only had half of the one book left and she needed to have the next one on hand - there wasn't really much of an option.

Met a fellow comic book guy in the store and struck up a riveting conversation about Watchmen. He had some cool ideas about possible deals between Fox and WB (one including the 60's Batman show finally being released on DVD). But I don't know. The lads on G4 were confidant it would be released on time, just after a nice publicity hype.

To even the score and regain some masculinity to the family I bought myself a Hemingway novel. It was either about war or bull fighting...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wardrobe malfunction

Apparently the cool Sears shirt had a minor fault, it was missing one of the buttons to button the sleeves. When I noticed this this morning there was no time to change, so I had to go with the old rolled up sleeve look today. Maybe it was all for the best since it was in the 70's outside...

This looks like it could be the coolest new show since The Big Bang Theory:
United States of Tara - The pilot is available here. The password is tara.
It is written by fellow blogger and screenwriter extraordinaire Diablo Cody (with a little help from Spielberg) Awesome!


So apparently the wife got really bitten (pun intended) by the vampire bug after seeing Twilight. I haven't been able to tear her away from those books, she is now on the second one...
It is like being married to a fifteen year old girl with a crush on a fictional character, which is cool. It's just weird when she refers to the different characters by their first name as if I should know who is who. They're feckin' vampires!
Haven't seen her this excited since she found Walker Shortbread at Piggly Wiggly.

Table Tennis

Just finished watching the Swedish film Ping Pongkingen. In good Scandinavian fashion it is a story so full of angst and sadness that all you can do is laugh.

Speaking of movies. I'm still nervous about Watchmen - will it premiere as planned or not? I guess no one really knows for sure.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday in Charleston

Had breakfast at noon. Went to Sears and bought a surprisingly cool shirt.
Drenched my arch-enemy "The Big Feckin' Spider in the Laundry room" in Black Flag and Killed him. (Matt - 1 - Colourful poisonous spiders - 0).
All in a days work of a Suburban Superhero!

Stout and Metal

So it's Saturday night, and in order to have a couple of Guinness I have to buy the can or bottle just to pour it myself into a pint glass. Would never drink what they pass off as The Black Stuff in American bars.

But it's all good - since the Mrs have gone and hid somewhere with her teen novel I am rockin' out with some old Metallica.


That was the name of the film. I gotta say, it didn't suck as much as I thought it would. It was obviously made for wee teen girls - and all I could think about during the whole movie was that South Park episode where the kids see the film and think that they are different types of vampires "per se". But any flick that has Volvo driving vampires in it is a winner in my book.

The wife drove directly from the theater to Barnes & Noble and bought the book - That's a bit much...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Look I'm blogging!

All right so, here it goes. Matt is blogging!
I have now joined the realm of fellow nerds and - every one else really.
This first post will have to be a short one since the Mrs somehow convinced me to go and see the new vampire film (forgot now what it's called). Can't wait!