Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pogue Mahone

I just looked closer at the Britvic Jimmy Carr picture. Not Only was it closed to inhabitants of Northern Ireland (Racism...) but it also finished yesterday. So typical English!

I Think It's Nuts

Found some shelves loaded with British stuff at Harris Teeter last night. I am not pro British in any way, but when you are robbed from the option of having mushed peas or HP sauce with your chips for a couple of years Goldmines like this start to sound pretty good.

I snapped this picture, I wonder if the Jimmy Carr date is available over here in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

'09 Revisited

Earlier this year I listed the most anticipated films of '09. The year is now coming to an end and it is time to double check the list:

  • Terminator Salvation - Never saw it. It got terrible reviews, meant to see it on DVD - but couldn't be bothered in the end.
  • Boondock Saints II, All Saints Day - Good film. Not as good as the first one, but no one expected it to be. I experienced my first (and hopefully last) full blown skull splitting migraine attack while seeing the film in theatre so the second part of it a bit hazy...
  • Inglourious Basterds - Kicked ass! So good I had to see it twice in theatre. The second time I apparently fell asleep and snored my way through the whole thing, but that's beside the point.
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Liked this a lot. Saw it in theatre, bought it the second it came out on DVD.
  • Watchmen - It was everything I expected it to be. Just another proof of the genius of fellow Northamptonian Alan Moore.
  • Public Enemies - Johnny Depp delivered! This movie had everything a man can possibly desire: Bank Heists, 20's slang and Leelee Sobieski.

I've seen some trailers that make '010 look like another sweet film year, guess we have to wait and see.

Bon Pantalongs

I got myself a new pair of jeans yesterday. They look really good and are actually one size smaller than the last pair I bought a year ago, I guess quitting fizzy drinks and run some paid off. It's hard getting a good picture of the pants since I am the only one in the office, and no one can take my picture, but here's to give you an idea.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Rock n' Roll X-mas

This is how happy one can look when one's wife gets you just the right Kinks CD for Christmas.

Rat Bastard

At least now I know what's on top of my shopping list for tomorrow.
Rat Poison!

Dirty Stinking Rat

I was just startled by a couple of rats (or maybe mice, don't really know) in the washing room. Granted, it has been raining like mad for a couple of days and I know the little critters don't like water, but come on - do they have to seek refuge behind my washing machine?

Holiday Dioarama

Here are some photos to help describe the Erikson Christmas of 09:

Enjoying some Christmassy porter before the craziness begins

The Wife showing off one of her Christmas gifts

Myself having some puffs of the old Yule tide pipe

The family playing a New Moon trivia game, can't you just see the excitement?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Memory Schmemory

My (American) wife's grandmother just asked me if I was married to an Irish girl...
It sucks getting old.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lets get this holiday started

We were all feeling somewhat stressed at work, getting all the paperwork done for the new year and what not. Due to this we all did what we could to get in the spirit of the holidays - which meant that at quarter to four me and Katherine (the lady with whom I share an office) sat at the bar at Ruby Tuesday ordering in pints...

Late Schmate

In honour of it being the day before Christmas (or maybe just me being tired) I decided to sleep an hour longer than usual and get in to work a bit later today. That was awesome but what really put it over the top was that everybody else in the office were either late themselves or off for X-mas, so if anybody asks - I've been here all morning.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Time For Tree

A couple of pics of our tree this year. They are a bit dodgy only because I took them with the phone since I am too lazy to charge the proper camera. Oh well, enjoy:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gator Bait

Since the sun does not rise til seven o'clock nowadays it is really dark when I go for the old run at five! It is also proper cold now - so cold that you spend the first half hour running contemplating whether you should turn around to get some mittens, only to realise that you have run half the distance and is about to turn around in a minute anyway.
As if the cold and darkness was not enough - while reaching today's half way point in a posh semi-gated community one of my shoelaces came undone and I fell flat on my face! So the rest of the distance I had to run around gator infested ponds with bloody palms and knees, that sped things up!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saffron & Mustard

Some new pics; myself showing the yanks how to celebrate st. Lucia and Mr. Mustard making sure no one else can use the couch.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Three Busey Moon

Woke up up at 10 and couldn't fall back at sleep, so after spending half an hour reading comic books in bed I decided to get up and make myself some espresso. I am now enjoying Frosty the Snowman on ABC, while the Mrs is still enjoying one of her two new favourite pastimes (the other one being eating).
Speaking of favourites, here is one of the coolest t-shirts I have ever seen:

Now, if only someone would make one with Christopher Walken...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


Just had a two hour meeting...

Songs that remind me I am going to be a father

1. Father and Son - Cat Stevens.
My favourite Cat Stevens song. Awesome, moving lyrics without being sappy.
2. Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin.

Again - somewhat sentimental, but still Rock n' Roll enough to sing along to.
3. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac.

Not really about being a parent as much as having one (or contemplating your relationship with Lindsey Buckingham), but it is a beautiful song and the line about children getting older always makes me think.
4. I wanna pick you up - The Beach Boys.
Maybe a bit obvious, but I have to mention this Brian Wilson gem from one of the most inconsistent Beach Boys albums ever.
5. Jasså du, man ska bli farsa (Oh, I'm gonna be a dad)- Paul Dennis.

Wouldn't be a complete list without this 70's classic with lines such as "Gråter du? Det är ju ball. Det är klart, visst blir man snopen. Men rätt glad i alla fall" (Are you crying? This is cool. Sure, I'm surprised - but somewhat happy anyway.)

Flying Fish

I have made myself a Christmas tree at work.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fish and Fish...

Got some 'Swedish Fish' from a coworker

Office Decorations

The girls at work thought I should have this fashionable name sign on my office door, ignoring my attempts to explain my name isn't Sven...

I have decorated my desk in my own manner though - I put up a nice picture of George Best (The Santa Claus of good football and heavy drinking)!