Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Chav Writings
Analyzing the News
I found the picture of the brother and sister to be a cause for questions though. Why is Tilly, the girl, so proudly holding up a can of Coca Cola? There is no mention in the article about said beverage. The house guest was apparently big on orange juice, but Coke? After reading the scoop a couple of times I realise there is not an inkling of information to justify the scene stealing placement of the fizzy drink. Maybe the girl was thirsty and the overtly rude photographer did not wait for her to put her drink down...
This had probably been the end of it, had I not taken a gander at the old Daily Mail - where this composition caught my eye. Again it is the Newmans showing off their backyard and previously occupied shed. This time we have an additional picture, maybe now Tilly has finished her pop and can pose for a more normal picture.
Alas! She stubbornly keeps her can, making it the obvious focal point of every picture she is in.
Could it be that the lass has struck a deal with the soft drink giant, agreeing to always carry a can of their tonic whenever a camera is near? Is the can somehow unfortunately attached to her hand? Or is the young woman just the biggest Coke Head in Bromley? As it stands today we simply do not know, but I for one eagerly await contnuing updates of this report. We need to learn the truth about The Mysterious Coca Cola Can.
Monday, March 29, 2010
License to ill
First (of course, since it is the DMV) you are sent to wait in a room with everybody else for a couple of hours, no exceptions! I then got to take the theoretical test - 30 of the easiest questions I have ever answered. I read the book three times and scored 27. After that I was told to go out and do the driver's test. I had heard this was easy as pie, but you never know...
Well, I drove off with an inspector in the passenger seat and returned ten minutes later with a fail safe pass and a huge grin on my face. I then let the nice ladies take my picture and had card in hand two minutes later.
To a Yank this might not sound that exciting, but where I come from spending three hours and $14.50 to get a licence sound like a fantasy.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tater Salad
Baby Bunny
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Triple Crown, Here We Come!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Matt Crocker
For a couple of weeks now I have perfected the art of making chili in it. Apparently it drains any vitamins from potential vegetables, but at the same time - I'm Making Cowboy Food!!
Try 2'%20Ponds/trish%20and%20kathys%20pond.htm
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bend Her What?
It's A Baby!!